I have really valued your sage advice and experience and am sad that we won’t see you regularly. It’s been amazing to have someone to ask if we are unsure about situations that have arisen. It always feels like a huge learning curve and reading books just isn’t the same. We have seen huge improvements in E since you have been visiting and I think having another adult to reflect with has really helped E learn about herself. Compared to this time last year she is really flourishing.

(Debbie, Parent)

Just wanted to thank you so much again for everything over the last couple of weeks, you’ve really gone above and beyond and we have so appreciated it.

(Anthony, Parent)

Rosie thank you so much!! You and Becca have literally saved my life since I met you both and been so helpful I’m honestly so grateful.


Rosie came into my son’s school to do an OT EHCP assessment and report on Tuesday and provided me with the report on the Thursday! Amazing service! Super quick and the full report was provided with lots of advice on how best to support my son. I am very happy with the service provided and will happily recommend Rosie to other parents and carers. The detail she has put into our report in such a short space of time is fantastic. My son enjoyed his time with Rosie I am so glad I came across TherapySPOT, thank you.

(Mrs E Durant)

We’ve noticed a huge change in him. He has been so much better at anticipating events and engaging with activities. I discovered he’d secretly laid the table for dinner on Sunday (all cutlery facing correctly and correct left/right placement, number of plates etc). Then he asked to learn how to cook the meal. I must have looked so astonished that he told me “the new Dominic is here, with a new brain”.

(Mrs C. Baker)

My son Ben was struggling with his clarity of speech making it difficult for even me and my husband to understand a lot of what he was saying. So we approached Becca from Therapy Spot and she was a ray of sunshine from the start. From my first telephone conversation to the end of our sessions, Becca was warm, welcoming, positive and patient in her approach to improving our son's speech. Every session was fun and enlightening and we could see progress after every one. Becca used various games and fantastic methods which kept Ben engaged even after busy mornings at nursery. The hardest thing was saying goodbye to Becca as that meant Ben wouldn't be able to 'play' with her anyway - this was the way he saw their time together. It was a pleasure to see them both interact and got Ben exactly where we wanted him to be in time for starting school.

(Mrs Kirkland)

Our son was diagnosed with Autism at two. As our world fell apart, Rosie and Becca walked in and it has been without doubt their unfailing enthusiasm, amazing knowledge, total understanding and above all, compassion for our son and his wellbeing that has enabled us not to give up hope and never to stop believing that he was capable of both speech, he was nonverbal until the age of five and managed behaviours. He no longer 'flaps or circles'! Not that their therapy is designed to eliminate what basically makes our son but to help him manage with the rather scary world around him. I would without doubt recommend the girls and what they can offer. Our son is now thriving, in no small part to the girls and their total commitment to their cause.

(T. Marsh)

We contacted Rosie for advice and support for a Reception aged child with very weak pressure when using any pens or pencils, he could form letters but they were very large and he had to have oversized books for writing. Rosie provided and demonstrated a range of activities for us to follow on a daily basis in between her fortnightly visits. He has always been keen to complete the activities as they’ve been fun and varied.

The transformation and progress in 5 months is staggering, the size of his letters and pressure are now what you’d expect from a child in his year group and he now uses the same sized books as the rest of the class. He’s so pleased with his writing and so are we! We never expected to see this level of progress so soon. Thanks Rosie for all your help.

(S. Rooke)

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