Rosie has written a book! 

Awareness of sensory processing, also known as sensory integration, has grown significantly over the past few years and is now one of the most common reasons that parents come to Occupational Therapists like me for help. Children can show some wonderfully strange and unusual behaviours, which can be very difficult for families and school staff to understand and manage, not to mention the kids themselves.

From licking everything in sight, excessive fidgeting and being constantly on the go, to refusing to dress in certain fabrics or running screaming from the slightest noise, these children definitely keep us on our toes!

Rosie has written this book for parents, caregivers, SENCOs and teachers, to help you to understand in very simple terms why your child is doing the strange (and sometimes infuriating) things they are doing and more importantly, what you can do to help them. This book will show you that sensory integration, although a fancy term, is actually very simple.

You can grab a copy on Amazon in either paperback or kindle versions.