Rosie (our OT) has just published her book! Feeling overwhelmed with sensory processing? Worried about your child’s behaviour? Grab a copy in either paperback or kindle today to learn more about sensory processing.

TherapySPOT offers individual Speech & Language (SLT) and Occupational Therapy (OT) for both early years (0-5 years) and school age children with a range of conditions and difficulties. We also offer joint assessment and therapy packages for children demonstrating difficulties with social communication/language and sensory/motor problems.

How do we work?

We prefer to see your child at home (or nursery/school) rather than a clinic, as experience tells us that children are more likely to engage and get the most out of therapy when in a familiar setting. By being at home, it is also easier to incorporate therapy into your child's normal day-to-day routine and you can be more confident in continuing therapy outside of our sessions.

We offer (individually or jointly):

  • An initial 60-120 minute session in your home, in which your child will be assessed by the Occupational Therapist and/or Speech and Language Therapist and your child's needs will be discussed

  • If appropriate, an additional assessment in the educational setting, for example if seeking support for an Educational Healthcare Plan (EHCP), tribunal case or medical-legal case

  • A full and comprehensive variety of treatment options, which are flexible to meet the individual child’s needs and based on goals set in conjunction with parents

Prices are available on request. Contact us for a free, no obligation initial discussion and we will work out which assessment/therapy package would best help your child.

Our Goals

Our aim is to empower parents to support their child's development through their normal daily routines and play. We support families awaiting a diagnosis and/or who are on the waiting list to be seen by their local NHS team. We offer advice and support to families and educational settings with regards to Educational Health Care plans and provide expertise and support to families who are going through the tribunal process. We can also help parents who have had a preterm baby and/or are concerned about their newborn meeting his/her milestones.

We work with children with the following conditions:

  • Autism spectrum disorder

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • Muscular dystrophy

  • Down syndrome

  • Global Developmental Delay

  • Genetic conditions/syndromes

  • Sensory difficulties (inc. SPD)

  • Developmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia) with or without associated speech difficulties

  • Social communication difficulties

  • Sensory regulation difficulties affecting emotions and behaviour

  • Sensory attachment difficulties

  • Acquired Brain Injury

  • Other physical disabilities